There should have been hundreds of people out there, but there was, at most, half of what there should have been. It just didn’t make sense! They were running on a skeleton crew! The included jacket, vest, pants, mask, gloves, and hat are all that you will need to transform yourself into the deadliest and deadest pirate to sail the seven seas. The details of the costume are all perfect, from the silver buttons and skeletal features to the classic tricorne and mottled clothing. You will look like the undead horror you know you are inside when you strap on this convincing and cool pirate costume. Plus, you will be dead already, so you won’t have to fear serpents, battleships, or krakens! Gutless Pirate If you are searching for the perfect way to look classic and original, then you are in the right place. You will feel like a winner in this cool and comfortable costume. Just make sure you tell everyone that the secret to life as a skeletal, undead horror is getting plenty of calcium!