Thanksgiving (United States) from
... Thanksgiving Day is a time each year , dating back to our founding , when we lay aside the troubles and disagreements of the day and bow our heads in humble recognition of the providence bestowed upon our Nation . Amidst the uncertainty ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... of the United States of America the one hundred and seventy- third . [ SEAL ] By the President : HARRY S. TRUMAN ROBERT A. LOVETT , Acting Secretary of State . PROCLAMATION 2823 THANKSGIVING DAY , 1948 As the traditional day of thanksgiving ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... State . Proclamation. 3325. THANKSGIVING DAY , 1959 The time of harvest turns our thoughts once again to our national festival of Thanksgiving , and the bounties of nature remind us again of our dependence upon the generous hand of ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
United States. President. The President's Radio Address November 30 , 1996 Good morning . This week , millions of Amer- ican families gathered around their dinner tables to enjoy our annual feast of Thanksgiving . Now many of us who ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... thanksgiving - days were made by the Continental Congress , in the form of recommen- dations to the executive heads of the several state governments , reciting the occasion which prompted the observance . With only one ex- ception ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... of the United States of America A Proclamation Perhaps no custom reveals our character as a Nation so clearly as our celebration of Thanksgiving Day . Rooted deeply in our Judeo - Christian heritage , the practice of of- fering thanksgiving ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... of the Senate . 16. Abraham Lincoln , February 19 , 1862 , recommending the celebra- tion and observance of George Washington's birthday . 17. Andrew Johnson , October 28 , 1865 , appointing the 7th of December as a day of thanksgiving ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... United States of America the two hundred and thirty - third . GEORGE W. BUSH Proclamation 8322 of November 21 , 2008 Thanksgiving Day , 2008 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Thanksgiving is a time for ...