Taste of Fear
1961 ‧ Horror/Crime ‧ 1h 22m
Penny Appleby (Susan Strasberg) is a paralyzed young woman confined to a wheelchair. For the first time in ten years, she has returned to her father's home -- only to be told that he is away. Penny is suspicious of her stepmother's (Ann Todd) odd...
Release date: August 22, 1961 (USA)
Director: Seth Holt
Languages: English and German
Distributed by: Columbia Pictures
Production company: Hammer Film Productions
Screenplay by: Jimmy Sangster
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Taste of Fear is a 1961 British thriller film directed by Seth Holt. The film stars Susan Strasberg, Ronald Lewis, Ann Todd, and Christopher Lee in a ...
A wheelchair-bound young woman returns to her father's estate after 10 years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.
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A twisting, turning joyride of a suspense thriller with a few darker horror moments, Taste of Fear is a 60s special alright. Complete with some terrific ...
A grimly fun story that keeps you guessing against the backdrop of a Gothic estate, Taste of Fear also contains a measured performance from Susan Strasberg.
Sep 27, 2023 · Great movie. Saw it on TCM years ago around Halloween and have been wanting to watch it again since.
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Spine-tingling tale of suspense and murder, starring Susan Strasberg as Penny Appleby, a wheelchair-bound young woman who travels to her father's Riviera ...
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Set on the French Riviera, it concerns a wheelchair-bound heiress plagued by visions of her dead father, and stars American actress Susan Strasberg.
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Set on the French Riviera, it concerns a wheelchair-bound heiress plagued by visions of her dead father, and stars American actress Susan Strasberg.
Nov 30, 2022 · ' in response to Penny's tiredness after such a long journey. A clever turn of phrase. Penny, we come to learn, is dead and the only person who ...
Jan 18, 2024 · Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RottedEntertainment Merch: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/rotted-reviews Letterboxd: ...